Sponsorship Opportunities

ANHS Instrumental Music Program
The Aliso Niguel High School Instrumental Music Boosters (ANHSIMB) supports the Aliso Niguel Instrumental music program, which includes the marching band, drumline, color guard, jazz ensemble, and concert bands. We are seeking donations from businesses and community organizations to support our students’ musical education.
We are a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization that provides instruction for students to achieve their maximum music potential and have opportunities beyond what the Capistrano Unified School District is able to provide. We are seeking monetary and in-kind donations to help maximize the finances received through student and family contributions and fundraising.
Your donation this year will help provide performance opportunities, professional instruction and much needed repairs to aging musical instruments.
We need your help. Your tax-deductible donation will help our students achieve their musical goals and will make a difference in a huge way.